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AnotherJo's Paint Shop Pro Resources
For her awesome tutorials.
For their amazing pixel dolls.
Cool Symbols & Cool Fonts
For the cool character symbols and text design.
Country Living
For their 55 Fall Season Quotes
For their awesome dollmakers.
For their free image hosting.
For the cute orange flower fav icon.
Keep Inspiring Me
For their 85 Winter Quotes
For their blinkie maker
For their cute pixel dolls and animations.
For their web tutorials and scripts.
Yahoo! Groups
For sending plenty of awesome resources and sharing their own creations, as well.
And last but not least, a great big thanks to all at
🐝 Treehouse Treasures 🐝
Amazing ladies with amazing creations, giving me inspiration and encouragement!
This layout features backgrounds I found at Violablu, one of which I edited to suit my website needs.
The font you see in the header (sign) is called MADE Cannes.
The font you see throughout the website (embedded) is called Raleway.
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